Food for Kids Summer Program & Backpack Food Program/Child Welfare Project
Did you know the Junior Auxiliary of Collierville provides meals for over 32 Collierville families during the summer break? These children, and many more who aren't served by our program during the summer, qualify for the USDA National School Lunch Program. That means their families meet income eligibility levels at or below the Federal Poverty Guidelines.
These children are often underserved by federal programs and charitable organizations simply because they are cloaked within the larger population of children residing in households with median incomes twice the national average.
Each summer, JAC provides 3 nutritious staple food distributions to Collierville School students currently enrolled in the USDA free or reduced School Lunch Program. This year, we have 32 families enrolled some with four and five children benefiting from the program. Food is purchased with funds donated to JAC, picked up from the Mid South Food Bank and delivered to the Collierville Connected Neighborhood Resource Center at 104 N Rowlett to be sorted into groups for those qualified families identified by Collierville School Counselors.
Through the school year, Junior Auxiliary of Collierville provides weekend food every week for approximately 51 families with 113 children. Delivering the food straight to the families homes.
Your donations and support go directly to local Collierville children. Please consider supporting Junior Auxiliary of Collierville with your tax exempt financial gift!
These children are often underserved by federal programs and charitable organizations simply because they are cloaked within the larger population of children residing in households with median incomes twice the national average.
Each summer, JAC provides 3 nutritious staple food distributions to Collierville School students currently enrolled in the USDA free or reduced School Lunch Program. This year, we have 32 families enrolled some with four and five children benefiting from the program. Food is purchased with funds donated to JAC, picked up from the Mid South Food Bank and delivered to the Collierville Connected Neighborhood Resource Center at 104 N Rowlett to be sorted into groups for those qualified families identified by Collierville School Counselors.
Through the school year, Junior Auxiliary of Collierville provides weekend food every week for approximately 51 families with 113 children. Delivering the food straight to the families homes.
Your donations and support go directly to local Collierville children. Please consider supporting Junior Auxiliary of Collierville with your tax exempt financial gift!